Adding and viewing your own files
If you would like to have documents that are important to your performance management process, such as any guidelines or organisational values, handy in Appraisd, you can now upload these to the Files area of your profile.
You can download, rename or remove any files you have uploaded to your profile by using the dropdown menu on the file.
Viewing your employee's files as a manager
As a manager, you also have the ability to upload files to your employees' profiles. You can do so by navigating to a team member's profile from the Team tab and going to their Files area.
Managers also have the ability to download, rename and remove any files they have uploaded to their employees' files area. They can also hide files they have uploaded from their employees. Managers cannot rename or remove any files uploaded by employees, however, they can download these files.
Managing files as a moderator
Moderators can upload files to users' Files area and are able to download, rename, remove and hide all files, regardless of whether they have been uploaded by an employee or manager.
Any files uploaded by moderators can be downloaded by employees and managers but cannot be renamed, deleted or hidden by employees or managers.
Note: allowing files to be uploaded onto employee profiles is a setting that needs to be enabled by Appraisd, please reach out to us at if you'd like it enabled.
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