You can use Appraisd to create simple surveys by using the reviews, forms and 360 feedback features, but there are some limitations to be aware of before considering this approach and this is not intended to replace a fully featured survey tool.
In fact, for anonymous surveys, many of our clients use something like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey because employees prefer not to sign in and thereby have confidence that their responses are anonymous. This is good, cost effective approach for small companies.
What can you achieve in Appraisd?
- Unlimited custom survey questionnaires that make use of any of our review question types including free text, ratings (with custom numerical, worded or icon rating scales), multi-select lists and more
- Unlimited surveys using the questionnaires that can be sent out to unlimited participants (they must have a user licence for Appraisd)
- Custom reminder schedules for participants that haven’t completed the survey (speak to your CSM about setting these up)
- Reporting on the survey responses using all the normal reporting capabilities of Appraisd
- Fully anonymous surveys are not possible. At least one admin will be able to determine who provided which response.
- You can’t drip feed questions to participants over a number of weeks etc.
- The survey is a review with each participant invited to give feedback for that review. So, the interface is the same as giving feedback to a person.
- For special types of survey such as eNPS, you can ask the question in Appraisd but the NPS calculation will need to be done manually in Excel once the results are in.
- If you're already using 360 feedback, then the settings you're using for responder anonymity will automatically apply to the surveys. For example, if you have Appraisd set to show the responder's name to the manager with their response, then the same will apply in your surveys. If you need this to be different please contact your CSM.
How does it work?
- Create your survey questionnaire using Form Designer. We recommend a single section with a set of questions within it. Multiple sections are possible but they will show as a single section to feedback-givers. Ensure that the section is visible to feedback-givers and that each question allows feedback-giver input.
- Create a survey user, who will effectively be the reviewee for the survey. Give them a name such as "Company Survey". You'll need to enter an email address. This could be an alias you already have or a fake email address (you don't actually need to access its mailbox).
- Create a new review where the survey user is the reviewee, you or another senior team member is the reviewer (if you prefer you can create another fake user for this). Set the workflow to be a 2-step workflow or use a special workflow created for you by your CSM.
- Open the review and invite users to give feedback. If you'd like to invite lots of people, we have a bulk-feedback invitation tool that can be used upon request for an additional fee. This tool can cope with 1,000's of invitations. When inviting people to give feedback, they will receive a notification. They will also get email reminders depending on how the workflow has been configured.
- Once the invitations have been sent, responses will start to come in. You can review the responses by reporting on them using the Scores and Comments report in the administration centre.
- When you're ready to close the survey, just close it manually like you would a normal review by setting it to the Closed stage.
You can reuse the same questionnaire for multiple different surveys. Each time, just set up a new review using the appropriate form.
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