What are Administration Groups in Appraisd?
Admin groups allow you to segregate the user data so that different administrators and moderators can access only the user data that’s appropriate for them to see.
Once enabled and configured, all reports containing user-data in the administration centre and elsewhere are filtered according to the admin groups you are an admin or moderator for. Please note exceptions at the end of this document.
Broadly the steps to set this up are as follows:
- Define your admin groups (e.g. UK, USA, China)
- Define the admins and moderators for each group
- Assign users to the correct admin group using the People table
Note: you need to be a moderator to set up new admin groups.
Define your admin groups
Firstly, email support@appraisd.com to ask us to enable the feature. Once enabled, go to Configuration > Administration groups.
You will always start with a group named Default Admin Group. All your users will be there initially. You can rename this if you wish.
Click Add a new administration group to add a new one. Specify the name and save it. Repeat for each group you need.
Next to each group you can see how many users there are in the group, and who are the admins and moderators.
Define the admins and moderators for each group
When you create a new group, you are automatically the admin and moderator for it.
Now you can use the Add Administrator button to add a new person to be the admin and/or moderator for that group. Once you’ve chosen a name, specify whether they should have admin access, moderator access, or both. Do that by selecting one or both of the + icons:
Repeat for all admins and moderators. No notifications are sent to the people you add.
Rules for setting up admins and moderators:
- To add someone as an admin or moderator to an admin group, you need to have the same access to that group yourself. So, to add Joe as a moderator to the China group, you also need to be a moderator for the China group.
- You cannot add yourself to any group.
- You cannot upgrade your membership from admin to moderator, only another moderator for the group can do that.
Assign users to the correct admin group
In the Admin Centre > People tab, you’ll see a new column called Admin Group.
Each user belongs to a single admin group. When you edit a user, you can assign the user to an admin group.
The rules are as follows:
- You can only see and edit users in the groups that you are the admin or moderator for
- You cannot move someone into an admin group that you yourself do not have access to
Some parts of Appraisd do not filter according to your admin group. These parts are shared between all administrators. These include:
- Forms (making a change to a form will affect other people using that form in another admin group)
- Configuration settings
- Objective templates
- Email notifications
- Dashboard company announcement
- Recognition
- Review groups and automatic cycles
- Job descriptions
- Account-wide files
- Sense check report
- Feedback metrics report
- When importing new users in bulk or via an API, you’ll need to ask us to provide you with the AdminGroupIDs of your groups so you can assign employees as part of the import
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