Appraisd provides a simple way of emailing all your staff with its mail merge function.
You might use this to:
- Launch Appraisd to all staff, providing them with login details.
- Send an ad-hoc tailored reminder to a group of people.
- Make a suggestion, such as to record a quarterly progress update.
How to send a general mail merge
First, navigate to Administration Centre > People.
- Select the recipients
Click on any row to select or deselect recipients, or select all by selecting the box at the top of the list. You can also use the filter to select a group or specific employee.
Once you are happy with your selection, click Bulk actions > Send emails. Initially clicking 'send emails' here won't immediately trigger an email; a side panel will open so you can draft the customised email content before sending anything.
- Draft your email
First enter a subject, such as "Welcome to Appraisd".
Then, enter the content for the email. Emails will always start with "Hi {firstname}" so you don't need to say hello. They will also contain a footer with the text you have specified in Configuration > Emails > Help message and contact details.
If you're launching Appraisd to your staff, you might like to use a variation of this wording:
Welcome to Appraisd!
Your account is now set up and ready for you to use. Please use the following link to log in:
Thank you.
- Send a test email
At this point, you should send the emails to yourself as a test. You will receive 5 emails addressed to your real employees, but don't worry, they haven't been sent for real.
IMPORTANT: If sending welcome emails, do not click on the registration link in these emails. If you do, the recipient may need to reset their password when they try to log in.
- Send the emails for real
If you're happy with the test, click the button to send the emails for real. Emails are typically sent immediately.
How to target reviewees/reviewers/second managers/sign-offs to send customised review reminders
First, navigate to Administration Centre > Reviews.
- Select the in-progress reviews you'd like to send reminders about
Click on any row to select or deselect reviews. You can also use the filter to select a batch of reviews or all in-progress/overdue reviews. You may also want to filter by review stage so you're only targeting reviewees who haven't completed their self-assessments yet etc.
Once you are happy with your selection, click Bulk actions > Send notifications to reviewees or Send notifications to reviewers or Send notifications to matrix managers (if enabled on your account) or Send notifications to sign-offs (if enabled on your account) depending on who you'd like to target.
If you choose to send notifications to reviewees, for example, the reviewees for all the reviews you've selected will be sent the email. Initially choosing who to target here won't immediately trigger an email; a side panel will open so you can draft the customised email content before sending anything.
- Draft your email
First enter a subject, such as "Please complete your self-assessment by X date".
Then, enter the content for the email. Emails will always start with "Hi {firstname}" so you don't need to say hello. They will also contain a footer with the text you have specified in Configuration > Emails > Help message and contact details.
- Send a test email
At this point, you should send the emails to yourself as a test. You will receive 5 emails addressed to your real employees, but don't worry, they haven't been sent for real.
- Send the emails for real
If you're happy with the test, click the button to send the emails for real. Emails are typically sent immediately.
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