Appraisd has an optional Job Description module that can be enabled by your account manager or through Configuration > Features.
You can use this feature to compile a list of job descriptions that are assigned to each individual. Once assigned, job descriptions can be reviewed and commented on.
What happens when Job Descriptions are enabled?
- A Job Description tab is added to your Administration Centre where Administrators can add, edit and update job descriptions.
- A Job Description tab is added to each user's profile page where the individual (and anyone else who can access their profile) can view a read-only version of their current job description.
- A Job Description selection box is added to the Edit user box. This is how an Administrator can specify the job description that is assigned to the user. The job description must be added to your list before you can assign it to any user.
- A Job Description slot is available when editing your forms. Add this slot to your form to show the reviewee and line manager the user's current job description during the review. You might like to add a question beneath it, such as "How well do you feel you've achieved the responsibilities set out in your job description?" or "What changes do you think should be made to your Job Description?"
Getting job descriptions up and running
These are the steps you need to take to implement job descriptions on your account.
- Enable the job description feature in Configuration.
- In the Administration Centre, use the Job Descriptions tab to add your job descriptions. If you're pasting from Word, please make sure you remove the formatting after you've pasted your text.
- After you've added some job descriptions, assign them to users by going to the People tab and clicking Edit next to each person and assigning the appropriate job description.
- (Optional) Add a Job Description section to your review form and any appropriate questions you'd like to ask of the reviewee/reviewer.
Job description versioning
Job descriptions are versioned, meaning you can store multiple versions of the same job description. If you're an administrator, it's a good idea to be familiar with the versioning concepts and how it works to avoid any confusion.
The purpose of versioning is to allow the following:
- To store a copy of the job description alongside a review so when a user opens a previous review, the information shown reflects the job description that was used at the time - which may not be the same as the user's current job description.
It should not be used to create a library of similar job descriptions to be assigned by different users.
How does versioning work?
- When creating a job description, version number 1 is created. You can edit this at any time. You can also create a new version. You'd only create a new version if you wanted to preserve the previous version alongside a review. Appraisd will alert you if this version has been used on a review already, and advise you to create a new version. A minor update (such as fixing a typo or making a correction) doesn't need a new version.
- When you set up a new review, the latest version of the user's job description is assigned to the review. If you subsequently create new versions, the review will still be associated with the version assigned at the time of creating the review. Hence, don't create a new version if you're only making minor changes to the job description. This will ensure these changes are seen when the reviewee comes to look at his/her report.
- If, when editing a review using the pop up window, no job description version has been assigned to that review, the latest version will automatically be assigned to the review.
- If no job description version has been assigned to the review, Appraisd will record the latest version available at the time the review is submitted and closed.
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