If you have a large organisation you may wish to segment your performance management strategy. This help page explains what features of Appraisd need to be the same across your whole organisation and what features can be customised for each segment.
Fixed settings across your whole organisation
People message on the dashboard
Branding colours and logo
Objective/PDP templates:
Questions on the templates
Who can confirm them
Objective settings
Who can confirm objectives
Who can close objectives
Who can edit confirmed objectives
Check-in workflow
Feedback visibility:
How should managers see the feedback?
Should the employee see the peer feedback?
If yes, how should the feedback be shown to the employee?
Who should be able to nominate a peer to give feedback?
Continous feedback
Who should be able to schedule reviews and check-ins:
Employees, managers, admins
Autoclose on overdue reviews
Number of days before the overall due date that the self-assessment is due on reviews
Email reminders and customised alert templates
Hierarchy visibility (allowing a manager's manager and so on to view an employee's reviews/objectives)
Customisable settings for different segments
Review schedule (manual or automatic)
Review workflow
Review questions
Feedback questions (and whether they exist at all)
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