In addition to primary managers and sign-off managers, you can assign matrix (second) managers to any user once you've enabled the matrix feature on your account.
The practical role of matrix managers differs from company to company. For some, matrix managers contribute to employees' appraisals and objectives in the same way as their primary managers; others just want to give certain managers access to specific profiles, reviews and objectives of people who are not their direct reports.
Currently each user can have a maximum of one primary manager, one sign-off and one matrix manager.
From the system perspective, a matrix/second manager assigned to an employee can:
- view the employee's profile
- access profiles of people the employee is managing (if any)
- add new objectives for the employee
- confirm any objectives for the employee and edit already confirmed objectives
- add progress updates to objectives for the employee
- update the current status of objectives for the employee
- mark objectives for the employee as finished and add a final rating (if required)
- access all past and ongoing appraisals including feedback collected from colleagues (this can be changed in configuration to limit them to only see reviews that they are involved in)
- contribute to a review in progress with their own comments if the manager is assigned as the matrix manager to that specific review
- set-up their own check-ins with the employee
- request 360 feedback for their employees reviews
What the matrix/second manager cannot do is:
- change an appraisal stage (when the review is using the default workflow)
- set up reviews (default setting), to allow matrix managers to set up reviews for their matrix team members, go to Configuration > Second managers > Can set up appraisals: On
The default workflow doesn't create a separate stage for matrix managers. Instead, they can simply add and share their comments with others when a review is at stage 1 (self-assessment) or 2 (manager's assessment) and, as mentioned above, they cannot change the review stage. If you'd like the matrix managers to have more permissions, please get in touch and we will be happy to discuss the options with you.
The summary of default workflow including matrix manager:
- stage 1: a reviewee completes a self-assessment and submits it to the managers
- stage 2: primary and matrix manager contributes with own comments and the primary manager closes the review when ready
- stage 3: the review is closed
If you use a sign off workflow on your account, the same is true, but the primary manager will be submitting the review for sign off at the end of stage 2 instead of closing it.
To enable matrix managers on your account...
Go to Configuration > Features and toggle on this setting:
- Go to the People tab and assign matrix managers by editing employees' profiles either individually or in bulk.
If a user has a matrix manager assigned, any reviews set up in the future will automatically include the matrix manager. If you are enabling the feature when there are reviews already in progress and you want the matrix managers to contribute to these, please refer to this help page.
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